“ The quieter you become the more you are able to hear.” Rumi

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“ Meditation is the ability to be fully present in this moment, that’s it.” John Kabat Zinn

Meditation may sound easy, but for many people, myself included, it’s the work of a lifetime. My journey began with pranayama or breathwork. Giving my mind a focus really helped and the breath practises helped me to feel calm and quiet. I found some useful aps like head space for guided classes but it wasn’t till I did my first 10 day silent retreat in 2018 that I became free to meditate on my own, anywhere without any support. This led me to MBSR, Mindful based stress reduction, created by John Kabat-Zinn. in the 1970s.,

Mindful-based Stress Reduction - MBSR

Dates: Saturday July 13, 20, 27, August: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 4pm - 6.30pm

Location: The Body Garage, Wanaka

All Day retreat: Sunday 11 August 10.00am – 4:30pm

Cost: $525

This 8 week course combines all the practises I love - mindfulness, meditation, movement and a silent retreat into one amazing life changing program. Since becoming a teacher in 2020, I have witnessed first hand how transformative this course can be. Students have reduced or stopped taking alopathic medicine for anxiety and pain, reduced the effects of stress and most of all,formed a practise that provides a refuse from the constantly doing mode we have become used to.

Testimonials from students who have taken the course.

Elaine was great! I felt comfortable and not judged. I really enjoyed how the course was run and sequenced.

From day one Elaine was really incredible and an inspirational leader. Her authenticity and belief in the course is outstanding. The venue was the perfect place to come to reset for the week ahead.

Thank you so much to Elaine for her guidance, support and commitment to the group. I really have absolutely loved the course and I am so sad for it to end. It helped me more than I could have imagined and I am excited to continue my mindfulness journey.