Full moon Flow
The Full moon is a time when we can benefit from taking our yoga practise down a notch and take a more relaxed and gentle flowing practise. There are some schools that say we should not do any practise at this time. The moon is ruled by the element of water and this relates to our second chakra, swadistana, our inner dwelling place. We will work to bring more freedom and movement to our hips in this practise and flow with our breath from pose to pose.
Take time to arrive and connect with the earth, selecting the right mudra for you, Bhu or Hakini or any other. We then start to move into poses and flow from pose to pose, as we move around our hips, the biggest joint in our body.
Take your time, feel each pose and enjoy a well deserved savasana at the end.
Let me what you think. We finish with the moon chant Om Somaya Namaha.
Repeat as many times as you wish.
Energy Balance
Elaine Kelly